Most dkdeploy tasks can be customized. You can set variables the following ways (example here: task db:dump_table
- Either set the variable
in your deploy.rb (recommended for most settings):
set :dump_table, "dumpable_table_name"
- Or supply them on the command line - separated by comma - when invoking Capistrano (recommended for manual deployments)
cap dev db:dump_table "dump_table[dumpable_table_name]"
- We recommend for automated deployments setting a capitalized environment variable like:
DUMPABLE_TABLE_NAME=dumpable_table_name cap dev db:dump_table
If none of the above is true, most tasks will fall back to a text dialogue (understandably not very useful for automated deployments).
List of variables
Variable Name (as symbol) | Type | Default Value | Description |
:scm |
Symbol | :copy |
Capistrano Source Control System. Possible Values: :git , :hg , :svn , :copy |
:copy_source |
String | 'htdocs' |
Directory, which gets copied onto target server. Example: '.' , 'htdocs' , 'htdocs/sub_dir' . Note: This configuration is only required for the copy strategy (:copy ). |
:copy_exclude |
Array | ['vendor/bundle/**', 'Gemfile*', 'build', '.git', '.svn', '**/.svn', '.DS_Store', '**/.DS_Store', '.settings', '.project', '.buildpath', 'Capfile', 'config', 'Thumbs.db', 'composer.*'] |
List of files and directories (within :copy_source in glob notation) which won’t be deployed.Note: This configuration is only required for the copy strategy ( :copy ). |
:rsync_roles |
Array | :app |
For this role rsync will be executed. |
:rsync_exclude |
Array | [] |
List of file which will be excluded when running rsync . This corresponds to the exclude option of rsync . |
:rsync_path |
String | Configuration of :copy_source |
Directory to be used with rsync . |
:compass_sources |
Array | [] |
Stylesheets directory Example: ['htdocs/domain1/stylesheets', 'htdocs/domain2/stylesheets'] Note: all Compass directories musst have a config.rb file! |
:default_file_access_owner |
String | 'dkd-deployment' |
Default owner of files and directory. |
:default_file_access_group |
String | 'www-data' |
Default group of files and directory. |
:default_file_access_mode |
String | 'u+rwX,g+rX,g-w,o-rwx' |
Default file and direcory permissions. |
:asset_folders |
Array | [] |
Folders to upload and download for all assets tasks. |
:asset_default_content |
Array | [] |
List of tar.gz archives, which include database preseed. |
:local_web_root_path |
String | ./ |
Your local web root path. |
:asset_exclude_file |
String | Name of file which contains a list of excluded files for download task. |
:enhanced_linked_files |
Hash | {} |
List of files which will be linked from shared_path to release_path . In contrast to symlink related tasks by Capistrano this allows you to inlcude other files and directory in shared_path und release_path . All symlink related task by Capistrano are still run. dkdeploy runs after the related Capistrano task.Example { 'demo/file1' => 'sample/demo/test0815' } links the file demo/file1 in shared_path to sample/demo/test0815 in release_path . |
:enhanced_linked_dirs |
Hash | {} |
List of directories, which get linked from shared_path to release_path . In contrast to symlink related tasks by Capistrano this allows you to inlcude other files and directory in shared_path und release_path . All symlink related task by Capistrano are still run. dkdeploy runs after the related Capistrano task.Example: { 'demo' => 'sample' } links the directory demo in shared_path to sample in release_path . |
:custom_file_access |
Hash | {} |
Custom File Permissions (see complex sample below) |
:bower_path |
String | Fetched from :copy_source variable |
Directory to be used with bower |
:bower_paths |
String | Fetched as an array from :copy_source variable |
Directories to be used with bower and the run_all task. Note: do not write multiple directories in :copy_source variable |
Variable Name (as symbol) | Type | Default Value | Description |
:typoscript_userts_file |
String | 'UserTS.txt' |
:typoscript_pagets_file |
String | 'PageTS.txt' |
:typoscript_config_file |
String | 'false' |
Should be true or false |
:create_new_caretaker_keys |
String | 'UserTS.txt' |
:caretaker_public_key_path |
String | "#{shared_path}/config/pubkey.pem" |
:caretaker_private_key_path |
String | "#{shared_path}/config/privkey.pem" |
:create_caretaker_instance_keys_template |
String | Template is inside the gem in vendor dir |
The path where an ERB template file is located. You could customize this, but is not advised |
:create_caretaker_instance_keys_path |
String | "#{shared_path}/config/create_caretaker_instance_keys.php" |
Path on the server for php file that creates caretaker keys |
:caretaker_instance_keys_path |
String | "#{shared_path}/config/create_caretaker_instance_keys.php" |
:typo3_environment_cli |
Hash | { TYPO3_COMPOSER_AUTOLOAD: 1, TERM: 'screen-256color' } |
:path_to_typo3_console |
String | 'bin/typo3cms' |
Path to typo3_console. Relative path to typo3_console script |
Sample for customer_file_access
set :custom_file_access, {
role_x: {
release_path: {
directory_name: {
owner: 'vagrant', #optional
group: 'apache', #optional
mode: 'a+rwx,o-wx', #optional
recursive: true #optional
'file name with spaces': => {
group: 'website-user'
shared_path: {
file_name: {
owner: 'vagrant'