namespace copy
Dkdeploy uses by default it’s own copy strategy and overwrites the :scm
constant (with :copy
). The tasks in this namespace are wrappers around the copy_strategy.
If you want to change the :scm
strategy, for example to :git
, you could customize that for your project. In that case these tasks are irrelevant.
Checks if the local source directory ( set in the :copy_source
variable ) exists. Raises a fatal exception if the directory does not exist. Otherwise no message is shown.
Copies the source file structure to the server excluding the not wanted elements. Usage with
$ cap dev copy:create_release
- tar needs to be installed on both machines.
- SSH config that enables SSH connection to the server.
Example output
00:00 copy:create_release
Generating the tar archive.
01 tar -X /var/folders/jv/hx47v28x4d9531nsrfm40fm00000gp/T/d20160610-8620-5fg78w/exclude.txt -cpzf /var/folders/jv/hx47v28x4d9531nsrfm40fm00000gp/T/d20160610-8620-5fg78w/test_app_20160610-8620-14wmv1u.tar.gz .
✔ 01 vagrant@project.example 0.010s
Uploading archive to /tmp/test_app.
02 mkdir -p /tmp/test_app
✔ 02 vagrant@project.example 0.305s
Uploading /var/folders/jv/hx47v28x4d9531nsrfm40fm00000gp/T/d20160610-8620-5fg78w/test_app_20160610-8620-14wmv1u.tar.gz 100.0%
Creating directory /var/www/your-domain/current/.
03 mkdir -p /var/www/your-domain/current/
✔ 03 vagrant@project.example 0.006s
Extracting archive to /var/www/your-domain/current/.
04 tar -xpzf /tmp/test_app/test_app_20160610-8620-14wmv1u.tar.gz
✔ 04 vagrant@project.example 0.006s
Removing /var/folders/jv/hx47v28x4d9531nsrfm40fm00000gp/T/d20160610-8620-5fg78w.
05 rm -rf /var/folders/jv/hx47v28x4d9531nsrfm40fm00000gp/T/d20160610-8620-5fg78w
✔ 05 vagrant@project.example 0.004s
Removing /tmp/test_app/test_app_20160610-8620-14wmv1u.tar.gz.
06 rm -f /tmp/test_app/test_app_20160610-8620-14wmv1u.tar.gz
✔ 06 vagrant@project.example 0.004s
Sets the current revision that will be deployed and returns the current revision message but does not print this message itself.